Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Pitfalls of Farmers Insurance

Farmers insurance is more specialised than some other insurance policies in that not only does farmers insurance cover every aspect of the business but it can also cover the private dwelling as well.
There are many possible ‘bolt ons’ to farm insurance which can cover such things as farm buildings, the farm house (basically householders insurance), livestock, equipment, business interruption and personal possessions.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that many farmers have an inadequate level of farmers insurance partly due to the inability to support the cost of the insurance premiums but also as a result of the continually changing needs of farmers insurance which is becoming ever more complex.
One of the main areas that farmers have proved exposed in recent years is the lack of farmers insurance relating to environmental issues surrounding the use of chemicals on the farm. Many farmer insurance policies physically exclude any damage due to chemical leakage or damage due to the use of chemicals around the farm despite the high costs that can be associated with chemical disasters which could leave many farmers in financial ruin. What is worse is that most farmers are blissfully unaware that they do not have chemical insurance cover!
For those farmers that do not have the cost of chemical cleanups and other costs associated with chemical disasters included in their farmers insurance could find themselves in a no win situation in any claim that is anyway related to chemicals.
It is vitally important that all farmers actually understand exactly what is and is not included in their farmers insurance policy and take steps towards obtaining cover for those areas of their business which perhaps remain unintentionally without insurance cover.
Another area in which some farmers leave themselves exposed is when they allow but are not insured for shooting or other forms of recreational pursuits held on their land. Farmers should seek legal advice to ensure that they are covered for any use of their land either through farmers insurance or by means of legal disclaimers.
In addition, farmers need to be consciously aware of the ever changing needs relating to their farmers insurance making sure any changes in working practices or use of the farm are fully covered through there farmers insurance policy and that, as a matter of habit, they continuously remove unsafe objects or fix anything that might pose as a danger to farm workers or the general public as they are out and about on the farm.
For more about farmers insurance visit
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Farmers Insurance - The Protection Worths the Extra Dollars Spent

For farmers, money is often tight. A farmer is at the mercy of the elements, and his or her crop is what feeds his or her entire family. Losing a crop is a terrible thing, but so is losing the equipment that is required to tend to that crop.
For farmers, there is protection against at least a little of that danger, and the protection is well worth the extra dollars spent. It may mean tightening a belt or two to funnel extra money into farming insurance, but the extra effort is worth the rewards should something happen to your livelihood.
A hailstorm could ruin an entire crop, but your farming insurance will help you to recover from what would otherwise be a debilitating loss to your finances and your way of life. The protection offered through the farming insurance might mean that your farm is saved to plant again next year.
Damage to your equipment can be almost as debilitating, if not more so, than damage to the plants that are your life. A tractor that stops running is as much use as a pile of dung in your fields, but your farming insurance can help you to repair or replace the tractor. The same protection extends to the truck that you use to haul farm equipment or the trailer that you transport your animals in.
If you are a rancher then your cattle are protected under a similar policy, meaning that should they become too sick to sell, you will be covered for your losses. Your transport vehicles are protected, and your life can go on as normal after what would normally be a terrible disaster.
Farming insurance also protects your outbuildings from things like fire and flood, almost like a home owner's policy for your barn. The outbuildings themselves and all of their contents should be protected from damage by your farming insurance policy, so that you can rebuild quickly should disaster strike.
Irrigation equipment is also covered under most farming insurance policies, so that if someone takes a detour through your fields and damages your equipment, you are protected. Many farming insurance policies also cover liability insurance, meaning that if someone (like a crop picker or a child on a tour of your farm) is injured while on your property, you are protected from having to pay for the treatment of the injured party.
Protecting yourself from these eventualities now might seem like a waste of money that could be spent elsewhere, but when the worst happens you will be more than glad for the protection that you are offered. A little money spent every month now can be the difference between having a hitch in your giddiup and complete ruin.
That little bit of extra money offers protection from so many diverse disasters, from the ruin of your crops to the death of your animals. The protection ranges from your equipment to your farming vehicles, and covers everything from your outbuildings to your irrigation systems. Farming insurance protects you from disaster.
Check with a local insurance agent to see what you can protect, and what is covered in the best policy for you. Every state has different insurance rules, and each state has a different policy on what crops are insurable on a local level. Spend the money now, and your trees/grape vines/corn are safe for tomorrow.
Get Your Insurance Guide Now. Find Out More Information about Different Types of Insurance such as Home, Car, Dental, Term-life, Travel, Medical and Farmer Insurance.
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